Telangana: Minister’s in-charge attendant Sabitha Indira Reddy found dead in Hyderabad | India News

HYDERABAD: The police escort in charge of Telangana Education Minister Sabitha Indira Reddy was found dead in Hyderabad’s Jubilee Hills area, the Hyderabad city police said on Sunday.
The deceased has been identified as 60-year-old Muhammad Fazal Ali.
According to DCP West Zone of Hyderabad City Police, D Joel Davis, police suspect suicide due to financial and family issues of the deceased.
“The victim who allegedly committed suicide is minister Sabitha Indira Reddy’s attendant. The victim has been identified as Mohammad Fazal Ali, aged 60. The incident occurred around 7 am. We suspect that the reason for this may be financial and family related. issues. Forensic team is at the scene,” said DCP Davis.
The DCP also informed that the police have started an investigation into the matter.
“The post-mortem examination (PME) is yet to be done. No case has been registered yet, the complaint is being filed,” DCP Davis added.
More details on the incident are awaited.

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